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Killing a Whale for researchNOTICE TO THE VIEWERS UP FRONT - I KNOW THIS IS A CONTROVERSIAL, DIVISIVE ISSUE!!!! Please know up front that I understand this. While I am VERY FAR from a bleeding-heart liberal, and I do not condone some of the Sea Shepherdapos;s eco-terrorist activities, this video really upset me. The Nishin Maru and the Yushin Maru harpoon vessels are killing these whales for quot;research,quot; or so they claim. I think if theyapos;re going to kill them for profit, then they should just come right out and say it. Donapos;t pretend youapos;re doing some quot;scientific researchquot; after you kill these animals this way. The area these whales are killed in is considered an international whale sanctuary. I know Iapos;m going to get some backlash from the viewers of this video because I donapos;t think itapos;s right, but go ahead and criticize. Yes, I know the killing of cows, chickens, pigs, etc. is equally as brutal, but whales are not quot;farmedquot; as mammals to provide human sustenance. Like I said, I DO NOT CONDONE most of the Sea Shepherdapos;s eco-terror activities, but I equally do not condone the brutality of this killing. Especially if you have to shoot them with rifles to make sure they die after youapos;ve harpooned them. IF THE JAPANESE ARE KILLING THEM FOR PROFIT, THEN SAY SO AND QUIT WAVING AROUND THE SIGNS THAT SAY WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH - SAY WHAT YOUapos;RE DOING; YOUapos;RE KILLING THEM FOR PROFIT. And to label the Nishin Maru and the harpoon vessels as quot;researchquot; vessels is just balatantly dishonest.
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