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Calf born with 2 heads, but only 1 brain

Colombia - The owner of the farm where the calf was born said that Jennifer has two heads but only one brain, and cannot stand on her own due to the weight of her extra head. The farmapos;s caretaker, Alejandro Leyva, has therefore built a special brace to hold her upright, and even admitted that he and his family massage her daily to give her some sense of movement through her muscles. Leyvaapos;s wife, Rosario, told quot;Sheapos;s a very cute thing, beautiful, I see her as a pretty thing that God sent, he sent her as she is.quot; The four-year-old mother of the calf had previously given birth to a normal and healthy animal. The condition, known as Polycephaly, is incredibly rare, but can occur in both animals and humans.

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August 2nd, 2009 at 12:39 am -_-Kurt-_- says:
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