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Obama Delivers a Statement About ISIS / ISIL on the Eve of 9/11Speaking from the State Floor in the White House on September 10, 2014, President Obama addressed the nation on the situation in Iraq and the United States' strategy to degrade and defeat ISIL, a terrorist organization. In his statement, he makes it clear that ISIL is not Islamic, and ISIL is not a "state", and are terrorists to be dealt with quickly and harshly. Concerned for the welfare of Americans and other nations, President Obama said he would meet the terrorist threat with "strength and resolve", and confirmed over 150 different military strikes had been recently delivered. With a new Iraqi government recently in place, America will lead a broad coalition to destroy ISIL, through a systematic series of air strikes and ground support through training, intelligence and equipment, no matter where the threat lies, including Iraq and Syria. To summarize the President's address, he is calling for the support of Congress for the United States to take a role to stamp out ISIS / ISIL, only where those in the local regions lead the campaigns with US and Coalition support. Humanitarian support will also be a focus of the US as they assist victims of ISIL / ISIS.
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