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Pedestrian crossing road throws beer bottle at approaching car

The old guy seems intent on crossing the road without making any real effort to get off the road or get out of the way of cars. In fact, there is a green light for cars, and he stops in the middle of the road ? When he is given the horn by the approaching vehicle, he throws a half empty (half-full) bottle of beer at the car, breaking the windscreen. Admittedly, the car driver could have slowed down a little instead of picking the gap between two pedestrians on the road, No winners here ..... she could have slowed down a little as a precaution, and the guy crossing the road should have waited for the lights or got out of the way. As for throwing away a beer ? No excuse. I can only assume it was warm and/or flat. After the incident, she seems intent on following the guy around after the incident.

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